Computer Support Marin is Marin County’s Trusted computer support service
I specialize in COVID-19 Safe Remote and On-site computer and technology services. I can handle all of your computer repair and upgrade needs as well as new computer setups, smart home tech, responsible recycling, one on one training sessions and much, much more…
The best of the best

I have never worked with anyone who was more capable at what he does than Matt. What makes him exceptional is his overall demeanor and patience. My husband and I are grateful to have Matt in our lives. Carla
Can’t say enough!

Matt has been unbelievable in regards to keeping the technology in my business up and running.
He has explained everything he’s done or is doing, so it’s easy for a guy like me to follow along.
His patience, abilities and meticulous attention to detail have made me extremely confident in his methods and seamless workflow.
I can’t say enough!
He’s a technical wizard!

He’s a technical wizard and knows how to fix, restore, clean up, and debug any electronic item. He is prompt, affordable, pleasant, and a thoroughly likable guy. I highly recommend him to you for any issues related to the above and any other issues related to technological problems.
Matt is the greatest!

Because he is a teacher, he never makes me feel stupid and increases my understanding of electronics every time I talk to him. He makes house calls and provides phone consultation. My only fear is that he will become so busy, that he will no longer be available every time I need him.
Computer Support Marin Extraordinaire…

Best of all, he is able to translate computerese into a language I can understand. Many times, Matt can fix your computer issues remotely. Beyond all this, Matt will share his knowledge with you, so that the next time your computer develops a little glitch, you may just find that you can fix the problem yourself!
Absolutely Recommended

Re: Computer Support Marin…

When we need help with our computer issues we call Matt and he always shows up promptly as possible with a smile on his face and the patience of “Jobe” and gets us back on track in record time. I have recommended him to our sister-in-law and she is also as pleased with his expertise as we are.
Would recommend him highly. A very nice guy as well.
Responds to my pleas for “help” in a timely manner…

Computer Support Marin, ie, Matt Godfrey – I cannot recommend Matt more highly. He not only responds to my pleas for “help” in a timely manner but does it with a smile and expertise. And, important to we members of the “senior” generation, Matt always shows great patience with the simplest of their technical challenges.
CSM to the rescue

Matt was able to quickly identify complex issues regarding Apps that I had never previously heard of, much less, could explain or begin to install and use. Matt resolved the 2 year mystery of why all my Pages & Word documents were “corrupted”, and fixed the problem within seconds, and long after I had paid another IT “expert” hundreds of dollars, without success. Furthermore, he did all of this remotely.
Matt has the patience of Jobe and his focus on resolving the problems at hand remains undeterred by my hysterics, confusion and embarrassment about my dearth of knowledge regarding computers in general. I am so grateful for Matt’s dedication to those of us in need of his exceptional depth and breath of IT expertise.
A reliable source for Repair, Improvements and Training on both PC and Mac Computers …

Video Projections. He is always quick to respond back, yet takes the time to really listen.
Even when I think I know what my issue is…Matt starts with a ground-up approach, using the correct foundation to solve my problems efficiently. I’ve worked with him many times over the years…with the same results: Quick, Affordable computer solutions, that work and stay that way. Thank you, Matt
Read more “A reliable source for Repair, Improvements and Training on both PC and Mac Computers …”
Expert in His Field…

Matt has been helping my husband and me through the death of our old iMac to the purchase of a new and improved version. He is very knowledgeable and solicitous and prompt and pleasant. We highly recommend Matt as our “go-to” guy when we need help. You will not be disappointed!
I recommend Matt…

Matt is great! He has done quick fixes and set new computers up for me, both PC and Mac. He explains things so I understand. He has made recommendations that have been very helpful. Matt is the man to call for computer help.
I have total confidence in Matt’s advice and direction…

One time I had unwittingly allowed some scam artists into my computer claiming that they were representatives of Microsoft. While they were in my computer Matt came to my aid, saving me from possibly giving information that would have proven financially devastating for me.
I have complete and total confidence in Matt’s advice and direction, helping me with the confusing high tech world that I live in. In addition, and perhaps equally important is the integrity and honesty he brings to the table. To be able to trust somebody is as great a compliment as I can think of, and Matt can be trusted.
Read more “I have total confidence in Matt’s advice and direction…”
Highly Recommended…

I have highly recommended his support to anyone needing one on one service. I believe in keeping things simple and his website is easy to navigate, and understand. I would and have recommended him to others. Thank You, Matt!
Computer Support Marin is “the best!”

Matt listens well and does not oversell any aspect of systems planning. As a result, we have achieved reliable and cost-effective internet services for our staff and guests. I could not recommend Matt more highly! Computer Support Marin is “the best!”
We have been very pleased…

Matt is very knowledgeable, patient, takes great pride in his work, is reliable, responds rapidly to our requests for assistance, and his pricing is very fair.
The Right Prescription…

Computer Support Marin has literally saved my life on a number of occasions. Noteworthy is Matt’s patience and ability to diagnose and prescribe in lay person’s terms… as is his timely response to my “911” calls. As a retired teacher, I give him an A+ grade.
The current state of technology...
Modern Technology is evolving at an ever-accelerating rate. The knowledge required to integrate and operate all of these new technologies, however, may not always be so easy to grasp. This is precisely why I started helping people with technology over 20 years ago.
The solution...
I will patiently take whatever time is necessary to get all of your technology problems resolved. When you chose CSM, you can be sure that all of your technology will be set up properly and that I'll also be teaching you how to keep it all running smoothly. I can train you on specific tasks, specific software, and specific device operation so that you can reach your unique goals and greatly improve your productivity.
Why choose Computer Support Marin?
Because it's comforting to know that you'll now have a single person you can trust and get ahold of when you need to for all of your technology needs. I will listen to you and your questions carefully to learn about and evaluate your needs. I will then help you discover new opportunities for your unique situation. Next, I'll see to it that all of your needs are met, your devices are set up properly, and talking to each other. The end result will be that you can simply enjoy them. And that's why you got those fabulous Gizmo's in the first place, isn't it?
Ready to get started?
I am available by appointment or as part of one of my proactive "Keeping your Technology House in order" annual support plans.
Service you can trust:
All work is backed by my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.